Herpes virus infection - Cytomegalovirus (CMV) diagnosis by PCR method | Price 1 800 tenge |
Cytomegalovirus infection - is a sexually transmitted disease through saliva, mother's milk, pregnancy (mother to child), shared washcloths, towels, dishes, etc. By the end of life almost one hundred percent of people are infected with this virus. In most cases, it does not manifest itself in any way, but if the immune system is reduced, it activates and causes disease. The virus can start acting in any part of the body, so there is no clear symptomology of the infection.
It is impossible to eradicate the virus; you can only reduce its activity. Women who are pregnant or planning to conceive should be especially attentive to this virus and its behavior in the body, because cytomegalovirus infection can cause damage to the fetus.
Diagnosis and treatment
It is almost impossible to suspect a cytomegalovirus infection yourself. Of all the diseases that exist, this disease looks the most like a common cold. The same fever, nasal leakage and sore throat occur. Lymph nodes, spleen and liver may enlarge. However, unlike acute respiratory infections, cytomegalovirus infection lasts longer: 1 to 1.5 months.
In some cases, the only sign of the disease is inflammation of the salivary glands, where the cytomegalovirus feels most comfortable.
Cytomegalovirus infection is incurable. However, there are medicines that can control the amount of the virus in the body and inhibit its development. Patients increase their immunity and are prescribed special antiviral drugs.
Cytomegalovirus in pregnancy
The danger of the virus to the body of a pregnant woman, especially to the fetus, is represented by the acute course of cytomegalovirus infection, i.e. primary infection during pregnancy.
Treatment is given when cytomegalovirus is detected in a pregnant or expecting to become pregnant throughout the whole period of childbirth and lactation. A full range of immune-boosting drugs is used, as well as interferon drugs that inhibit the multiplication of the virus. An infected pregnant woman should have tests at intervals of 10-12 days. The condition of the embryo should also be monitored constantly.
Carefully chosen powerful therapy and strict adherence to the doctor's recommendations can significantly reduce the risk of transmission to the child, which depends directly on the activity of the virus in the mother's body.
Cytomagelovirus is another cause of male infertility

I think it is no secret that the most common cause of male infertility is acute and chronic infection of the urogenital tract, including viral infection. However, the list of viruses causing infertility is not yet complete. D. I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology, Medical and Genetic Research Center of RAS, Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Koltsov Institute of Developmental Biology. N.K. Koltsov and the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Dermatovenerology and Cosmetology of the Moscow Department of Health have added another to this list - cytomegalovirus from the herpes virus group.Various herpes viruses are often found in human semen. Thus, herpes simplex viruses types 1 and 2 during sexual contact infect women and lead to pregnancy failure. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV) and human herpes virus type 6 (HHV-6) are also common, but their impact on male sterility is almost unstudied.Researchers determined the presence and amount of HEB, CMV and HHF-6 in the sperm cells of 232 men with different types of fertility disorders: infertility from unclear causes, varicocele (varicose veins of the seminal tract), chronic inflammation of the urogenital tract, and in men with chronic inflammation but normal fertility.
The results of their studies are as follows. HEB is present in all patient groups with approximately the same frequency and, therefore, no connection between it, infertility, and inflammation of the urogenital tract was found by the scientists.
HHF-6 predominates in fertile men with chronic inflammation of the urogenital tract, that is, it causes inflammation but not infertility.
However, CMV was predominant in the group of infertile men with inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract. This infection significantly reduces the number of spermatozoa compared to controls and affects their quality.
The virus is known to damage the prostate and testicular epidermis. Perhaps the virus stimulates the activity of phagocytes, which release reactive oxygen species, and antibodies. All these factors affect and damage sperm production.
The researchers also found that the virus infects sperm cells: it attaches itself to the membrane and penetrates the cell.
The high concentration of CMV in sperm, the predominance of the virus in infertile patients and patients with chronic inflammation, and the significant reduction in sperm count in infected samples suggest that chronic inflammation complicated by CMV infection leads to infertility.
Author Sergey Lebedev