TREEGENE Genetic Laboratory

Discount for pensioners and disabled 10%

The day of receipt of biomaterial is not included in the deadline

Code Description of the study Biological sample Time of execution (working days)* Price (tenge)
Male infertility
1.04.01 AZF-microdeletions of the Y chromosome, baseline (8 loci AZFa, AZFb and AZFc), by RT-PCR Blood, buccalium 14 39,500
On request AZF-microdeletions of Y-chromosome, expanded (6 loci AZFa, AZFb and AZFc, including additional deletion completeness loci, according to the international protocol EAA/EMQN), by fragment analysis method Blood, buccalium 14 99,000
On request CFTR-68: determination of 68 genetic variants of CFTR gene, by fragment analysis. Related diseases - cystic fibrosis, congenital bilateral absence of seminiferous ducts, hereditary pancreatitis. Blood, buccalium 14 115,000
On request Package - male infertility (AZF + CFTR), by fragment analysis. Blood, buccalium 14 193,000
Genetic screening (opinion of a geneticist, consultation on request)
1.12 PGT-A by NGS method Embryonic cells 3-5 90,000
1.14 Genetic testing of aborted material for aneuploidy by NGS with biomaterial identification Tissue abortus, maternal biomaterial 14-20 149,000
1.15 Genetic testing for aneuploidies by NGS Blood, buccalium 14-20 115,000
On request PGT-M by NGS (upon request for a specific genetic variant), one sample Embryonic cells 20 315,000
Monogenic hereditary diseases
2.13 Gilbert syndrome ("Asian" variant of UGTA1 gene G71R), by PCR-RV method Blood, buccalium 5 29,500
2.15 Gilbert syndrome, TA repeats (UGTA1 (TA)5/6/7/8 gene variants), by FA method Blood, buccalium 7 39,500
2.16 "Complete" Gilbert Syndrome (UGTA1 (TA)5/6/7/8 and G71R gene variants), by FA and PCR-PV Blood, buccalium 7 49,500
On request CFTR-68: determination of 68 genetic variants of CFTR gene, by fragment analysis. Related diseases - cystic fibrosis, congenital bilateral absence of seminiferous ducts, hereditary pancreatitis. Blood, buccalium 14 115,000
On request CFTR-NGS: determination of genetic variants of the CFTR gene, by NGS. Related diseases - cystic fibrosis, congenital bilateral absence of seminiferous ducts, hereditary pancreatitis. Blood, buccalium 20 315,000
On request Gastro-161: analysis of 161 genes associated with inherited GI diseases by NGS, including: hyberbillirubenimia, hemochromatosis, Wilson's disease, hereditary pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, diarrhea, acute porphyria, cholestasis and others. Blood, buccalium 20 385,000
Genetic risks: oncology
3.07 Breast and ovarian cancer risks (7 variants in BRCA1,2 and CHEK2 genes), by PCR Blood, buccalium 14 43,000
3.07.01 One of the variants in the BRCA1 (185delAG, 5382insC, Cys61Gly, 4153delA), BRCA2 (6174delT) and CHEK2 (1100delC, IVS2+1G>A) genes Blood, buccalium 14 6,500
3.08 Risks of prostate cancer (7 variants in BRCA1,2 and CHEK2 genes), by PCR Blood, buccalium 14 43,000
3.35 Risks of developing breast cancer, cancer, and breast cancer (23 variants in BRCA1, BRCA2, PALB2, and ATM genes) Blood, buccalium 14 49,500
On request Risks of developing breast cancer, cancer, prostate cancer, melanoma and others (BRCA 1,2 genes), by NGS. Blood, buccalium 20 150,000
On request Breast and ovarian cancer risks (22 genes including BRCA1,2), by NGS. Blood, buccalium 20 285,000
On request OncoRisk-134: analysis of 134 genes associated with hereditary cancers by NGS, including: prostate, bladder, kidney, lung, Lynch syndrome, colorectal cancer, adenomatous polyposis and others. Blood, buccalium 20 385,000
Genetic risks of thrombophilia (opinion of a geneticist)
3.10 Prothrombin gene - F2 (variant G20210A) Blood, buccalium 9 6,500
3.11 Actelerin gene, Leiden mutation - F5 (variant G1691A) Blood, buccalium 9 6,500
3.12 Proconvertin gene - F7 (variant G10976A) Blood, buccalium 9 6,500
3.13 Fibrin-stabilizing factor gene - F13 (variant G103T) Blood, buccalium 9 6,500
3.14 Fibrinogen gene - FGB (variant G-455A) Blood, buccalium 9 6,500
3.15 Platelet integrin gene - ITG A2 (variant C807T) Blood, buccalium 9 6,500
3.16 Platelet integrin gene - ITG B3 (variant T1565C) Blood, buccalium 9 6,500
3.17 Plasminogen activator inhibitor gene - PAI1 (variant 675 5G/4G) Blood, buccalium 9 6,500
3.18 Methionine synthase gene - MTR (variant A2756G) Blood, buccalium 9 6,500
3.19 Methionine reductase gene - MTRR (variant A66G) Blood, buccalium 9 6,500
3.20 Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene - MTHFR (variant C677T) Blood, buccalium 9 6,500
3.24 Nitric oxide synthase 3 - NOS3 gene (C786T variant) Blood, buccalium 9 6,500
3.37 Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene - MTHFR (variant A1298C) Blood, buccalium 9 6,500
3.39 Predisposition to thrombophilia - extended panel (13 variants) Blood 9 65,200
3.40 Predisposition to thrombophilia - standard (9 variants) Blood 9 47,600
3.41 Predisposition to thrombophilia - folate metabolism (4 variants) Blood 9 17,800
Geneticist's opinion on thrombophilia results (based on our results only) 5 6,500
Genetic risks to disease
3.28 HLA-B27 Blood, buccalium 5 15,000
3.29 Predisposition to Alzheimer's disease (ApoE gene, allelic variants E2,E3,E4) Blood, buccalium 7 29,500
3.31 Age-related retinal dystrophy (ARMS2 G205T and CFH C1204T polymorphisms) Blood, buccalium 7 39,500
3.38 Predisposition to polyposis rhinosinusitis, eczema, bronchial asthma (IL 33 gene polymorphisms, rs1342326, rs3939286) Blood, buccalium 7 27,500
6.02 Risk of taking hormonal contraceptives (F2 G20210A and F5 G1691A polymorphisms) Blood, buccalium 9 12,500
Genealogy (information book with consultation, certificate without consultation)
7.01 Paternal lineage with/without Scheger (27 STR loci of the Y chromosome), book Blood, buccalium 18 76,500
7.01.02 Paternal lineage with Scheger (27 STR loci of the Y chromosome), certificate Blood, buccalium 10 57,900
7.01.03 Paternal lineage (27 STR loci on the Y chromosome), certificate Blood, buccalium 8 44,600
7.12 Maternal lineage (mtDNA HVR1 and HVR2), book Blood, buccalium 18 76,500
7.12.01 Maternal lineage (mtDNA HVR1 and HVR2), certificate Blood, buccalium 10 57,900
7.15 Paternal (with Scheger) and maternal lineage, book Blood, buccalium 18 137,500
7.15.01 Paternal (with Scheger) and maternal lineage, certificate Blood, buccalium 10 110,000
7.15.02 Paternal (no Scheger) and maternal lineage, certificate Blood, buccalium 8 99,00
7.16 Book on the origin in hardcover (gift version) - 5 19,800
Printing an extra book on provenance - 5 6,000
Kinship (information test with specialist opinion)
Paternity/maternity; Close kinship - grandparents/grandchildren; aunts/uncles/nephews; brother/sisters
7.17 Kinship-express (2 samples), the fastest, with consultation and full technical support of the client, only in Almaty at TreeGene collection points Blood, buccalium 1 150,000
7.17.01/02 Male/Female Express Paternity (2 samples) Blood, buccalium 1 150,000
Kinship Express (1 additional sample) Blood, buccalium 75,000
7.18 Kinship-standard (2 samples), the most optimal in terms of time and cost Blood, buccalium 3 61,800
7.18.01/02 Kinship-standard on male line/female line (2 samples) Blood, buccalium 3 61,800
Kinship-standard (1 additional sample) Blood, buccalium 30,900
7.19 Kinship-economy (2 samples), most affordable Blood, buccalium 5 52,500
7.19.01/02 Kinship-economy on male line/female line (2 samples) Blood, buccalium 5 52,500
Kinship-Economy (1 additional sample) Blood, buccalium 26,250
7.20 Kinship-non-standard (2 samples), if complex samples are available, with technical support to the client on sample selection Substandard** 7 95,000
7.20.01/02 Kinship-unusual in the male line/female line (2 samples) Substandard** 7 95,000
Kinship-non-standard (1 additional sample) Substandard** 47,500
7.21 Kinship-social (2 samples), for socially vulnerable groups: pensioners; disabled persons; veterans; families raising children with disabilities. Full list in accordance with the internal Order. In the presence of supporting documents Blood, buccalium, substandard** 5 43,500
7.21.01/02 Kinship-social on male line/female line (2 samples) Blood, buccalium, substandard** 5 43,500
Kinship-social (1 additional sample) Blood, buccalium, substandard** 21,750
7.22 DNA-Detective (2 samples submitted by the client and without personal identification data of comparative samples): to identify/attribute samples to a specific person, with technical support to the client Blood, buccalium, substandard** 7 130,000
7.22.01 DNA-Detective for STR loci of Y chromosome (2 samples) Blood, buccalium, substandard** 7 130,000
DNA Detective (1 additional sample) Blood, buccalium, substandard** 65,000
7.23 Kinship-region (2 samples), for clients of all regions of the RK, excluding Almaty, with 100% prepayment, with payment for delivery at the expense of the laboratory, but without taking into account the delivery time. Blood, buccalium, substandard** 3 71,000
7.23.01/02 Kinship-region on male line/female line (2 samples) Blood, buccalium, substandard** 3 71,000
Kinship-region (1 additional sample) Blood, buccalium, substandard** 35,500
Psychological support for the client On request
Legal support for the client On request
Forensic examination (expert opinion)
Determination: paternity/maternity, male/female lineage, identification from 5 from 172 500
DNA isolation
8.01 DNA extraction from blood Blood 3 3,000
8.02 DNA extraction from buccal epithelium Buccali 3 12,900
8.03 DNA extraction from a substandard sample Substandard** 7 17,500
8.04 Buccal epithelium sampling kit (1 brush) 2,000
8.10 Commercially packaged saliva collection kit 6,000
Oncogenetics and targeted therapy
12.01.01 Determination of JAK2 gene mutation (Val617Phe), quantitative Blood 5 43,500
12.02 Determination of chimerism in TCM (1 sample, at 23 autosomal STR loci) Blood 5
12.04 Determination of microsatellite instability (1 sample), by fragment analysis, including recommendations for targeted therapy. Tumor samples 14 77,000
12.05 OncoFocus-52: analysis of 52 genes (SNVs, CNVs, Fusions) responsible for causing cancer including: prostate, pancreatic, lung, liver and kidney, melanoma, testicular, bladder and other cancers. Recommendations for Targeted Therapy. Tumor samples 20 425,000
On request OncoFocus-161: analysis of 161 genes (SNVs, CNVs, Fusions) responsible for cancer including: prostate, pancreatic, lung, liver and kidney, melanoma, testicular, bladder and other. Recommendations for targeted therapies including RC, FDA, NCCN, EMA, ESMO. Tumor samples 20 745,000
On request Determination of germline genetic variants of BRCA1,2 genes, by NGS method Blood, buccalium 20 150,000
On request Determination of somatic genetic variants of BRCA1,2 genes, by NGS method Tumor samples 20 315,000
Genetic passport (information book, online consultation on request)
13.01.02 Nutrigenetics (50 genes) Blood, buccalium 10 108,500
13.02.02 Sports "The Best" (50 genes), for choosing sports Blood, buccalium 10 120,500
13.02.03 "Sports + Mind" (73 genes), mental, emotional and physical health Blood, buccalium 10 145,500
13.02.04 Sport " Smart" and "Body" (52 genes), fitness classes for women and men Blood, buccalium 10 89,000
13.04 Lactase deficiency (LCT gene regulatory region), with information note Blood, buccalium 7 25,000
13.07 Talents (40 genes), for professional choices Blood, buccalium 10 105,500
Other services
Conclusion on genetic research (1 profile, by appointment) 5 10 000
Consultation with a geneticist (not more than 30 minutes) - 7 000
Departure in the city of Almaty (in the square of Dostyk, Al-Farabi, Saina, Ryskulova streets) - 3 000
Departure in the city of Almaty (in the square of Dostyk, Al-Farabi, Saina, Ryskulova streets) for biomaterial collection - 5 000
Additional fee for urgency (of the total cost of services)*** 2 to 7 50%
Discount on tests (except for parentage), for socially vulnerable groups: pensioners; disabled persons; veterans; families raising children with disabilities. Full list in accordance with the internal Order - 10%