MES Project 2014-2016

Dear Colleague,

A lot of doctors we work with are interested in our joint project with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in which our laboratory tests women for 12 predisposition genes for thrombophilia for free.

Full name of the project:
"Study of biomarkers of acquired and inherited thrombophilia in women of reproductive age of the Kazakh ethnic group for predicting the risk of pregnancy complications".

Criteria for patient selection:

Group I: study group:

  1. Pregnant women.
  2. Kazakhs by father and mother.
  3. Past medical history: two or more previous pregnancies, or PPH, early and late miscarriages.

Group II: control group:

  1. Pregnant women
  2. Kazakhs by father and mother
  3. Having two or more healthy preterm children
  4. No history of miscarriages and pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia, eclampsia, frozen pregnancy, PPH, etc.

What you get:

  • Results of a study on 12 genes of the blood clotting system.
  • The doctor's report from a geneticist.
  • This will help you predict the course of your pregnancy.
  • The test is taken once in a lifetime because the genes do not change.
  • In the future, this may come in handy when you see other doctors.
  • You will also get free results of tests for Homocysteine and Lupus anticoagulant levels.

The patient needs for this:

  • Come to our laboratory on an empty stomach and take a blood sample from a vein.
  • Bring an exchange card, a document confirming pregnancy, such as the results of the ultrasound.
  • Fill out the participant questionnaire and information consent.
  • Get the results in 14 working days.

Link to our article from last year's project: