Why won't any diet work for you?

Agree that most of the diets or weight loss techniques you've tried don't work for you or were ineffective.

Because your body is unique!

Everyone is different and the process of digestion and energy expenditure can depend on many factors. And genetics play a major role here.

Your genes can be compared to instructions, which are used to control the growth and coordinated operation of the entire body, including the metabolic process.

For example:

  • If your body is good at digesting fats and forming fat cells quickly, it's from fats that you'll gain weight.
  • If your body uses stored fat for nutrition in a carbohydrate shortage, then on a low-carb diet you will lose fat tissue.

So if you want to lose weight, any diet is not good for you.

You can find your ideal balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats by trial and error. But a genetic analysis together with the recommendations of a nutritionist will give you the exact answer to the question - how can I effectively lose weight without risks to my health?

Also, you will learn how your body works and what it needs to stay healthy.

This is especially true for your children. Imagine that you know exactly what to feed your baby from an early age. You know which foods are better absorbed by his body.

After all, genetic analysis is done once in a lifetime because genes do not change.

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