Free pregnancy tests

Dear future mother,
You can become a participant of the project (MES RK) and get a completely free blood clotting system gene test if

  • Now you are pregnant
  • You are Kazakh by father and mother
  • You have two or more healthy full-term babies
  • You have not had miscarriages or pregnancy complications such as pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, a frozen pregnancy, etc.

ForPrint_Thrombophilia Criteria92What you get:

  • Results of a study on 12 genes of the blood clotting system.
  • The doctor's report from a geneticist.
  • This will help your doctor predict the course of your pregnancy.
  • The test is taken once in a lifetime because the genes do not change.
  • In the future, this may come in handy when you see other doctors.
  • And you'll also get free Homocysteine and Lupus anticoagulant test results that your doctor will need to manage your pregnancy.

ForPrint_Thrombophilia Criteria-

What it takes:

  • Come to our laboratory on an empty stomach and take a blood sample from a vein.
  • Bring your exchange card .
  • Fill out the participant questionnaire and information consent.
  • Get the results in 14 working days.

The number of participants is limited!

Don't miss this opportunity, come see us at TreeGene Genetic Laboratory

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