We all react differently to medication!


Pharmacogenetics is a branch of clinical pharmacology and clinical genetics that studies the place and role of genetic factors in the formation of human response to drugs (drugs): effectiveness, ineffectiveness, development of adverse reactions (ADRs). The regularities revealed by pharmacogenetics allow the doctor to individually approach the choice of both the drugs themselves and their dosage for each individual patient, ensuring the most effective and safe pharmacotherapy.

Pharmacogenetic test is the identification of specific genotypes associated with changes in pharmacological response. This enables personalized drug selection.

At Trigen Laboratories, the following pharmacogenetic tests currently exist:

A downloadable book on pharmacogenetics:
cfPHARMACOGENETIC TESTING: clinical interpretation of the results. (D. A. Sychev) Guidelines for practicing physicians. Moscow 2011.


Course "Applied aspects of pharmacogenetic testing for the physician.
Individual selection of Warfarin and Clopidogrel doses based on genetic testing".
Lecturer D.A. Sychev, Organizer Genetic Laboratory TreeGene, Almaty