TreeGene laboratory took part in the organization of the round table "Current Issues of Hepatology" and presented its analysis of Interleukin 28B (IL28B) gene. Determination of the gene polymorphism makes it possible to determine the prognosis of the course of infection, treatment efficacy, determine the timing of treatment and doses of drugs without causing unnecessary harm to the patient.
Within the framework of traditional international conference "University Days-2015 - 85 years of KazNMU: achievements and prospects", 04.12.2015 in the Joint University Hospital staff of module "Hepatology" and the Joint University Hospital held a round table "Topical issues of hepatology".
The event was attended by: Director of the Joint University Clinic Gubaidullina J.A., associate professor of economics, master of international relations (Canada), Honorary Professor of KazNMU Orville Adams, chief gastroenterologist of UZ of Almaty, head of the department of internship and residency in therapy №3, Dr. med, Prof. Iskakov, Head of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Department of Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology and Internal Diseases of Ministry of Health and Social Development of RK, Head of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Department, Prof. A.V. Nersesov, M.D, Sadykova Sh.S., Head of Internal Diseases Department №1, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Kurmanova G.M., Head of scientific clinical-diagnostic laboratory of Scientific Research Institute of Pathology named after B.Atchabarov, Candidate of Medical Sciences Batyrbaeva D.Z., Head of Municipal Hepatologic Centre of Almaty Zhusupova R.T, Assistant Professor of Infectious Diseases Department of KazMUNO Deriabina L.V., teaching staff of Infectious and Tropical Diseases Department, IRT №1,2, 3, PSMP, internship of VPP №1, internal diseases №1, 2, sports medicine, staff of NCDL KazNMU, doctors of UUK № 1, infectious disease doctors of city policlinics, interns of VPP.
In the speeches and discussions it was noted that in recent years in the Republic of Kazakhstan successfully implemented a set of measures aimed at reducing the incidence of hepatitis, improving quality and increasing life expectancy of patients with liver disease.
However, there remain a number of unresolved issues regarding the organization of medical care for patients with liver diseases. First of all, it is the lack of continuity at different stages of medical care, comprehensive multidisciplinary approach to the management of patients, insufficient use of modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of liver diseases.
The purpose of the round table was to determine the optimal model of medical care for patients with chronic liver disease.
In accordance with the aim there were discussed the questions of organization of medical care for patients with liver diseases in Almaty, modern methods of diagnostics and treatment of liver diseases, use of innovative methods of diagnostics and treatment of patients with liver diseases in the Center of hepatology of the United University Clinic of KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov. The participants of the round table were presented the Model of medical care for patients with liver diseases in the Center of Hepatology.
As a result of the round table recommended:
- Examination, monitoring and treatment of patients with liver diseases should be performed using modern methods on the basis of the Diagnostic and Treatment Protocols of the MHSD.
- When managing patients with liver disease, follow an integrated approach through the interaction of the departments of infectious, gastroenterological, surgical, and oncological care.
- In order to improve the competence of physicians, conduct a cycle of advanced training on current issues of hepatology on the basis of the Center of Hepatology OUK.
Organize the work of the UCC Hepatology Center in accordance with the Model of Medical Care for Patients with Liver Disease.
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